The right hemisphere was responsible for colors, daydreaming, 3D, rhythm, and imagination. The research showed that the left hemisphere was responsible for words, numbers, logic, and analysis. Sperry found out that the evolutionary part of the brain, the cerebral cortex, had two hemispheres that were responsible for a whole lot of intellectual skills. Roger Sperry carried out research that confirmed mind maps as a brain-friendly/brain-compatible technique that works best with your brain. This principle states that brains are radiant and our brains do not think in terms of lines and sentences, but rather in terms of imaginations and association. The concept of mind mapping is based on the principle of Radiant thinking. The information in the mind map mirrors exactly the way your brain functions. This raises a question: what is so special about mind maps? For this, you need to understand the science behind mind mapping. Beethoven, Newton, Darwin, and Disney have all used mind maps or mind map-like structures for enhanced learning or to represent their thoughts. During the Renaissance, the great genius Leonardo da Vinci supposedly used mind maps for note-taking.

Mind maps were used by several geniuses over centuries. However, mind maps have a very long history the earliest known mind map dates back to the third century. The British psychologist Tony Buzan popularized mind maps in the 1960s. Major ideas are connected directly to the central concept, and other ideas branch out from those. The concept is represented as an image in the center to which the associated ideas are added. Every mind map is created around a single concept.

A Mind map allows complex information to be presented in a simplified visual form.

Mind mapping is an effective learning technique that works best with your brain.Ī mind map is a diagram used to visually organize information. It enables you to visualize your thought process.

A mind map reflects externally what goes on inside your mind.